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2013-2014 (Year 2)

I/UCRC Funding by Industry

In Year 2, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Drexel University submitted projects. The project cycle ended June 30, 2014.

CS13-1 Semantic Information Extraction, Integration, and Visualization for Big Data Analytics - Dr. Yuan An; Yuan Ling; Mengwen Liu; Yizhou Zang (Drexel)

CS13-2 Large-Scale Social Media Analytical Tools with Application to Detecting Emerging Events- Dr. Ryan Benton; Dr. Xiaohua Tony Hu; Dr. Weimao Ke; Satya Karagodda; Yue Shang; Dhanalaskshmi Veeramachaneni (UL Lafayette and Drexel)

CS13-3 Visual Analytic Approaches to Mining Large-scale Time-Evolving Graphs- Dr. Christoph Borst; Dr. Raju Gottumukkala; Sivarama Krishna Venna; Nicholas Lipari (UL Lafayette)

CS13-4 A Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Approach to Fraud Detection - Dr. Jian Chen; Shaaban Abbady; Maria Bala Duggimpudi (UL Lafayette)

CS14-5 Scalable Visualization and Gap Analytics for Multiple Big Data Industry Sectors- Dr. Chaomei Chen;Dr. Ryan Benton; Wanying Ding; Meen Chul Kim; Qing Ping (Drexel and UL Lafayette)

Other Funded Projects

Research Experience for Undergraduates: Exploration in Data Mining/Data Integration - Undergraduate Students: Skeik Hassan, Pattamapon Thongisma (Drexel), Advisors: Dr. Xiaohua Tony Hu; Dr. Yuan An; Dr. Weimao Ke (Drexel)

Research Experience for Undergraduates: Visualization of Event Tweets - Dr. Ryan Benton; Dr. Christoph Borst; Justin Garret (UL Lafayette)

Research Experience for Undergraduates: Identifying Specific Type of Events from Twitter Data - Undergraduate Students: Justin Garrett,  Nakul Regmi (UL Lafayette) Advisors: Dr. Ryan Benton; Dr. Christoph Borst; Graduate Student: Satya Katraggada (UL Lafayette)

Externally Funded Research: Fundamental Research in Visualization-based Gap Analysis and Link Prediction - Dr. Xiaohua Tony Hu; Dr. Vijay Raghavan; Dr. Ryan Benton; Dr. Chaomei Chen, Graduate Students: Murali Pusala (UL Lafayette) Wanying Ding (Drexel)

Visit the official site for project details.