Vision, Mission, and Goals
CVDI’s mission was to research and develop next-generation visual and decision support tools and techniques to enable decision-makers in government and industry to fundamentally improve the way their organization’s information is interpreted and analyzed. CVDI brings together, analytic, visual and perceptual techniques by advancing the state-of-the-art in the research fields of Information Visualization, Visual Analytics and Automated Analysis. This research is supported by advanced computing and visualization facilities to create Decision-Making Environments (DME) – a framework that will enable users to explore and customize information streams in a variety of modalities to gain better insight to that information.
Accelerate ♦ Discover ♦ Create
Accelerate the creation and transfer of knowledge and technology to industry and commercial products
Discover, share, and leverage synergies of concepts, technologies, and resources needed by industry-relevant Visual and Decision Informatics research
Create a future workforce that benefits the local and national economy by educating a diverse body of students in the interdisciplinary field of Visual and Decision Informatics
A Graduate of the National Science Foundation Industry University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) Program
CVDI is a multi-university – industry research center founded in February 2012 by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Drexel University. In 2014, the Center added an international academic partner site, Tampere University in Finland.
CVDI is part of the NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center program that promotes high-quality industry-relevant research and direct technology transfer of ideas, research results, and technology to the U.S. industry. It brings a consortium of researchers and students across multiple universities to advance research and innovation in big data for the Internet of Things – specifically how large-scale multidimensional datasets are analyzed and interpreted using advanced data mining, and visual and perceptual techniques for decision-makers. The core strengths of CVDI are visual analytics, predictive analytics, interactive visualization, and data summarization methods.
Business analysts have typically worked to a requirements-based model, answering clearly defined business questions. Big data, however, demands a different approach, using opportunistic analytics and exploring answers to ill-formed or nonexistent questions. Through a unique partnership with our Industry Advisory Board members, our researchers identify and address state-of-the-art challenges in Big Data, including event emergence in networked data, mining, and visualization of patterns in data streams and cross-enterprise data integration.
In Phase II, the center added academic partners, StonyBrook University, the University of Virginia, and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Tampere University also receives funding from Business Finland, a funding agency for innovation.
The center is not currently active. You are invited to explore our latest collaboration, the Accessible Healthcare for AI Augmented Decisions (AHeAD) Center.