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Dr. Christoph Borst and Dr. Arun Kulshreshth awarded NSF Grant for Virtual Reality Research

Congratulations to Dr. Christoph Borst (PI) and Dr. Arun Kulshreshth (co-PI) for receiving a new NSF grant for virtual reality research. The award, in the amount of $499,813, comes from NSF's IIS Division and will support work on "Enhancing Educational Virtual Reality with Headset-based Eye Tracking".

The award builds on other recent funding for educational VR approaches in the CACS VR Lab, bringing the project total to $962,764 ($329,763 in prior NSF support, $35,000 from the Mozilla Gigabit fund, $10,000 from a US Ignite Developer Award, and $88,188 from the Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund).

An abstract summarizing the research is available at the NSF Website.
More information about the CACS VR Lab and Dr. Borst's research can be found at the lab website.
More information about Dr. Kulshreshth's research can be found at his homepage.

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